Paper Seahorse

Size: 15 x 7,5 x 3,5 cm.

The Seahorse kit contains:
  • 1 black template for the body.
  • 1 coloured metallic template for the body.
  • A sheet with clear building instructions.

You don’t need any scissors or craft knife to assemble this paper Seahorse!

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Create your own DIY interior decoration with this 3D Paper Seahorse!

Our newest member to the family is the most lovely sea creature of all! You can now take the Marine life into your home decoration in a very animal friendly way. All our paper creations are eco-friendly and so is this 3D paper Seahorse. Assembling this 3D paper Seahorse is a creative DIY. The feeling of joy when you are ready with assembling this beautiful cute seahorse is great, and it will be sparkling in your interior.

The Seahorse kit contains:

  • 1 black template for the body.
  • 1 coloured metallic template for the body.
  • A sheet with clear building instructions.

You don’t need any scissors or craft knife to assemble this paper Seahorse! After assembling you can choose to put a few drops of glue to keep your Seahorse in the best shape, but it is not necessary.

Seahorse facts:

What a cute animal! Seahorses range in length from more than 30 centimetres to under 2,5 centimetres! There are more than 40 known species of these ‘horses of the sea’. Seahorse are actually fish though they don’t look like them. Their tough, bony body makes them pretty tough for other fish to eat, that is why they don’t have many natural predators. Seahorse couples are very romantic. Every morning they swim and ‘dance’ together and stay together with one partner for long periods of time.

The woman doesn’t carry the babies, the man does! After the mating, female seahorses will place their eggs into an oviduct in the body of the male, which is called a brood pouch. Then the males settle into an area to rest throughout gestation, which can last up to a number of weeks. When it’s finally time for the babies to be born, the father’s body experiences strong contractions that shoot the young out of his pouch. As little as five to as many as 1,000 baby seahorses, can be born to the world in a single birthing session. Estimates suggest that only about 0.5% of the babies will survive.

Seahorses are really poor swimmers. They are the slowest of all fish because they only have a tiny fin in the middle of their backs. This one little fin can beat back and forth up to 50 times a second, but the size of the fin is so tiny that it doesn’t make much progress travelling. However, seahorses are quite unique in that they can not only move forward, but also up, down and backward.

The scientific name of the seahorse is the Hippocampus. A bit like the Hippopotamus, but a bit more elegant 😉